
Little presentation

This is a little blog about my steampunk and industrial style creations.
You can check my shop and if you have a special need, I'll be happy to work on command.
Feel free to comment ;)
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mercredi 3 octobre 2012

Adorned with sapphires

Latest memory stick. I put two real sapphires gems into this one and decided to keep a silver and blue tint.

The stick is also a bit smaller (7 cm long) 

The Knife (first resin trial)

For my first trial with resin, I decided to decorate the handle of a knife.

The sculpting and decorating parts were as easy as usual but problems came with de resin. I messed with my first application and had to remove all the resin before it hardened. For result, I got lots of little bubbles on this side due to asperities I created.
The second side (see pic) was lot more successful.

Clockwork pendant

Last time I was disassembling a broken clockwork, I thought it might make a good base for a pendant.

This one only took me about 20 minutes.

The Key

For my fifth USB stick, I decided to try a different shape.
I finally went for a key and, that settled, I began the sculpture work.

For the bow, I found a bigger gear to protect the inside. But I'm starting to think about resin even if it might imply some bubbles.